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This is the home of a developer who loves many things, and yes that was very vague, but so is life and Raid Shadow Legends. Is there a limit to this paragraph? I suppose not, well on that note, may the force be with you!

nasa man

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Space Facts!!!

Why? Because this is the way.

Earth and Moon

The distance between the Earth and the Earth's Moon is massive, big enough to fit the entire collection of planets in our solar system.

Nasa mna on th emoon

A full nasa spacesuit costs $12,000,000, yeah, that awkward moment when a suit is worth more than most of us.


There are more trees on Earth than there are stars in the Milky Way. Green team going strong.

Nassa man

There is no sound in space because molecules are too far apart to transmit sound. In order words, a place for our introvert side.

"Sometimes we are so busy reacting towards the cascading events of life, too busy living in an interdependent society that we forget to look up. We forget to look at the absolute reminder of greatness, the meaning of it all, and the reason for continuation of life itself. From this, dedicated skeptics are born."

-Beast Code

Contact to win a $1,000,000 (maybe)

“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” —Yoda, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back