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Beast Code

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Beast Code

The Beast Projects

Sign-up Form


Frontend sign-up page without any backend, it was a rather fun project for anyone interested in learning about form element and form controls, which is one of the most important element in a website for a business.

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Random Password Generator


Random password generator is a project specifically made to streamline the process of generating a password with some funky Fallout theme.

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Etch-a-sketch was my favourite project to make as it was the most visually interactive and is something that's actually fun to play with when taken seriously.

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Making a calculator with interactive user interface wasn't the easiest task, it took a lot of revision of code logic and strcuture, this project was rather special because it is one of those projects that can be either very easy or hard to make, depending on the appraoch and logic.

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Rock Paper Scissors


Rock Paper Scissors is a highgly recommended project to make as a beginner developer due to its very simple rule. Nevertheless, the project have the potential to get rather complicated depending on how much sassy-ness one want it to be

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Landing Page


A very classic website layout exercise without any JavaScript and mostly CSS to build, this project is recommended for beginners as it introduces one of the most basic layout used on the internet.

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Site maintenance

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Community Share Day

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Update Privacy

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